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Welcome to ADSentertainment!

Art. Design. Style.

Whether you stumbled upon this page by accident, or know of me (personally or not), welcome to the official ADSentertainment website, and I hope that your stay here will be worthwhile!

     Currently, ADSentertainment is an indie game studio run by just me, Adam D. Smith. Here you'll find all my projects regarding games in the 'Games' tab, along with various other stuff I've made in the 'Other Works' tab that may or may not involve games.

     As for games, here at ADSentertainment, I strive to provide you an experience with our games that feel familiar, but yet feel different, new, and refreshing. We try to take common ideas in games and twist them to our liking, along with enhancing the experience of the game itself. We want our games to leave a lasting impact on you. (Hopefully a good one!) In short, we're changing the status quo, one pixel at a time. I'm also a firm believer that games are art, and I try to reflect this in the games I develop.

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