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Disclaimer: My hair is significantly shorter now

"I Make Games, and I Make Art."

"I make games, and I make art". That's what I  do in a nutshell. If you want a bit more, go ahead and continue reading.


     Currently, ADSentertainment is run by just me, Adam D. Smith. I typically go by adscomics/ADScomics on the internet however, which is where the ADSentertainment name stems from.

     I've been making games for about 5-6 years now since mid-2009 when I learned how to use GameMaker. For a long time that was my primary engine, even though the games I made with it could only be exported as a .exe and I owned a Mac that had bootcamp. (Although I hear that GameMaker: Studio allows publishing for multiple platforms, including Mac.) In 2011 however, I learned about a different engine very similiar to GameMaker called GameSalad. This engine was made primarily for mobile platforms (although you can now make games for Mac OS X and Fire TV) which I thought would be a great thing to tap in on. My first game I was going to make using the engine was going to be a platformer called Lost Caves (the main character for it you can see on the top of the page among the other pixel art pieces I made. He's holding a pickaxe). However, I scrapped the idea and instead decided to make Galastar. Galastar was a shoot'em up idea I started to conceptualize at around early 2009 and had 3 GameMaker games made (which can be downloaded on my "games" page.). This game was going to serve as a reboot, and it had various changes. The game took about 5 years to make, mostly because I went on and off with it for a long time. The game is currently on the App Store and is my first officially distributed game.

     Outside of games, I do make a lot of artwork in different mediums. Those mediums mostly consist of digital drawings, traditional pencil drawings in my various sketchbooks, and pixel art. You can see a lot of my artwork on my DeviantArt and PixelJoint profiles. Most of my artwork typically is related to games I've made or am planning on making.

     As for my online name, "adscomics";  Outside of the first 3 letters being my initials (if you couldn't catch that from the beginning of this) I used to make comics in my younger years long before I started making games. I needed a business name for my comics (I was a very amibitious young boy and still am a little today). So I decided to use my full initials since I thought it had a nice ring to it. Galastar actually stems from the comics I made, although the game in its current state is not related to the comics anymore.

     As of now, I am a sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design and am majoring in Interactive Design and Game Development with a minor in Business and Entrepreneurship.

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